The Caedmon School



Rosemary Frisaro-Kessler, RN, Co-Health Director/School Nurse

What was the path that led you to The Caedmon School?

The path that eventually led me to The Caedmon School began 38 years ago. I have been very fortunate to have had such meaningful work experiences. My first nursing job was at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center nursing children in the pediatric neurology department. I then worked at Lenox Hill Hospital in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. It was there I eventually became Head Nurse.

After a few years my daughter, and then my son, was born.  At that time, my husband and I decided I would work part-time while raising the children. I then became the clinical supervisor at Global Pediatrics (also here in the neighborhood) for 14 years. It was the perfect pediatric nursing job to have while raising children! I learned so much about pediatric illnesses, child development, immunizations and much much more. Then, 12 years ago, I decided to transition to school nursing. I have been here at The Caedmon School ever since. I felt my previous experience allowed me to comfortably take on the responsibilities that this role entails. 

What inspired you to become a school nurse?

I was inspired to become a school nurse for two reasons. The first being, I LOVE teachers! My (95 year-old) mother is a retired biology teacher. So, I grew up respecting all her hard work and love of children. I have enormous respect for the teaching profession and love being around such creative, enthusiastic and intelligent teachers, like those here at Caedmon! The second reason is I LOVE working with children! There is so much to learn from children of all ages. And, I'd like to think working with children will keep me "forever young."  :)

What is it about Caedmon that excites you to come to school each morning?

I honestly look forward to coming to Caedmon each day! While these past two years have been especially challenging for all of us, I'd like to think these challenges have made me a better and more informed nurse. I also long for the days when interactions within the Schoolhouse were different. I miss having long chats with students, helping children study for quizzes (especially Latin vocabulary quizzes) and I especially miss seeing everyone's faces. 

What is your favorite Caedmon memory?

I have so many favorite Caedmon memories, so this is a difficult question. However, I am especially heart-warmed when attending Caedmon graduation ceremonies. Especially these past couple of years when children I have known since they were in the Beginners classroom are now off to Middle School.

I feel a sense of pride and excitement at the bright futures that lie ahead for this special group of awesome children.

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I was born and raised in New City, New York (Rockland County), and am the youngest of four children. I have been married for 31 years and have two kind and considerate children, Alexandra (28) and Nicholas (24). Some of you may know my son, Mr. Kessler :). I also love music, and go to as many concerts, or musical performances as possible. When not at work I am either at a museum, a movie theater, or bird watching in Central Park. I also love biking, kayaking, hiking and traveling.  

If your Caedmon Story had a title, what would it be?

The title of my Caedmon Story would be We Learn From Children

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