Ms. Vrazel and her classes are continuing to lead the charge to educate Caedmon parents, staff and visitors to Stop, Look, and Think before they toss their garbage when at school.
Please remember to look before you toss out that trash. It may be recyclable! Or it may be just trash!
We would like to remind you that Caedmon has made a commitment to strive toward zero waste as a school community, so it is important to put items in the proper place in order to recycle responsibly. With all the bins for collection we have throughout the building, please be sure to check the signage before you toss!
Besides our curbside collection which the Department of Sanitation picks up weekly for Hard Plastics, Glass, Metal (Blue Bins), and mixed paper (Green Bins) [located in all classrooms], we have been purchasing recycle boxes for Coffee Pods (bins located in the cafeteria and Fourth floor teacher's lounge) and Snack Wrappers (bins located in the Dining Hall, library and Third floor computer room) from a company called TerraCycle.
We also collect soft plastics through a program sponsored by Trex which makes them into lumber products (bins located in the Dining Hall, Lobby, Third floor computer room, and the library).
A few pointers to remember:
It's very important to know what each bin really takes, and it's better not to include anything that is not listed, or that you are unsure of.
We also can remind each other if we see someone not paying attention to the bin they are tossing in. It only takes a moment's pause to recycle responsibly!
Please reach out to Mary Beth Vrazel if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued efforts to grow our Zero Waste School's commitment!!!
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New York, NY 10075
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