The Caedmon School



Anna Gruson, Class of 2019

What has been your path since graduating from The Caedmon School?

Since graduating from The Caedmon School in 2019 I have been attending middle school at Horace Mann. Even though Covid made life more difficult to navigate I was still able to learn, play sports and meet new people. Through this time I was also able to help Caedmon Fifth graders by answering questions about the application process. 

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself? 

Some fun facts about me include: I am a 3rd generation immigrant, with my grandmother having immigrated from Japan. I started going to Caedmon when I was 2 years old and remained in the school until Fifth grade for a total of 9 years. I am currently 14 years old and am in the graduating class of 2026.

What was it about Caedmon that excited you to come to school each morning?

There were a multitude of reasons why I wanted to come to Caedmon each morning, but one that really stood out was the people. Not only my peers and friends who I felt extremely close with, but also the teachers who were always there for me.

I knew every morning when I walked up the steps that Caedmon was a safe space that I would not only learn in, but have fun in too.

What is something you learned at Caedmon that has since stuck with you?

I could never fully count the amount of things that Caedmon taught me growing up, however one main point is the importance of relationships with teachers.

From a very young age I was able to bond and grow relationships with all of my teachers, which made for a better learning environment.

To this day I continue to believe that one of the key elements for doing well is to not only pay attention but also have a healthy relationship with all of my teachers.

What is your favorite Caedmon memory?

I have so many good memories out of my 9 years, so I would like to share two wonderful ones. The musical was one of my favorite parts of Caedmon. I remember being younger and watching the graduating classes preform and knowing one day that would be me. Throughout the process of rehearsing and putting on the show my grade grew closer as a community. The final product was wonderful and to this day I still know the words to most of the songs from Beauty and the Beast. Graduation was the last hurrah for my class. It was filled with memories and nostalgia, but also a tint of sadness. That was one of the most bitter sweet days in my life, knowing that middle school was a natural progression, but also knowing I would never be a Caedmon student again.

However, I always knew that Caedmon would continue to be a part of me. 

If your Caedmon Story had a title, what would it be?

If my Caedmon story had a title it would be Learning how to let go. Change has always been hard for me, even at a young age, even with things as miniscule as throwing a toy away. Caedmon really prepared me for how life would be, always changing. I learned that I could leave, but still have the memories. This experience showed me that not all change is bad and that it is just a part of life.


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