The Caedmon School



Cindy Rodriguez, Director of Development

What was the path that led you to The Caedmon School?

My husband and I were living in London when our son, Jay, was born. Jay attended a Montessori school there at the age of 2 1/2. It was important to us when we moved back to New York City that he continued with the Montessori education. Prior to returning to NYC we did a week-long blitz, visiting five NYC schools. It didn't take much to convince us that Caedmon was where he belonged. Jay joined Caedmon's Early Program in September 2003. Ms. Schneider was his first teacher. 

What inspired you to become the Director of Development?

After working for many years at Estee Lauder Companies, I had decided to take a break. Doing so allowed me to volunteer as co-president of the Family Association and dedicate much of my free time to Caedmon. I loved  planning CFA events, meeting and working with Caedmon parents, and supporting the school. In spring of 2009 the Head of School asked me to take on the position of Director of Development.

Honestly, the stars were aligned. Caedmon had become a big part of my life. Although Jay was graduating that year and ready to fly, I wasn't ready to leave Caedmon.

I've been here ever since.

What is it about Caedmon that excites you to come to school each morning?

It's all about the kids. There is nothing better than greeting them on the sidewalk in the morning or stopping into their classrooms to see what they are up to. Given my many years at Caedmon, I have had the pleasure of watching many of them grow from babies to awesome girls and boys.

What is your favorite Caedmon memory?

It's so hard to isolate just one. When Jay was about 6 or 7 I visited his classroom to celebrate his birthday. He was so proud to show me his room, his work, and introduce me to his friends. He set up a chair and sat on my lap as I read a book to the class. Afterwards Jay served cupcakes to all of us. It was such a precious moment.

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself? 

I grew up on Long Island and moved to NYC in my 30's, something I had only dreamed about. 

I love to travel, read, do jigsaw puzzles, garden, take long walks in Central Park, and cuddle with my cockapoo, Russell. Wordle is my current passion.  

If your Caedmon Story had a title, what would it be?

She’s Forever Grateful She Chose Caedmon

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