The Caedmon School



Joyce Schneider, Early Program Teacher

What was the path that led you to The Caedmon School?

I found out about Caedmon from a job board at Teachers College.  I think I originally applied for a position in the elementary program but when the Early Childhood Director, Marilyn McTague, called me, she needed an assistant in the Early Program right away.  I was in awe of the Montessori classroom, so I jumped at the chance to work at Caedmon.  

What inspired you to become a Montessori teacher?

Working at Caedmon inspired me to become a Montessori teacher.  After that first year as an assistant, I was invited to co-teach with another Montessori trained teacher in a different Early Program classroom, the one that I have occupied for the past 22 years!  After those first two years of on the job training, I spent the following summer at CMTE/NY, a Montessori teacher training program.

What is it about Caedmon that excites you to come to school each morning?

Caedmon is such a special place.  It is exceptional to work in a school where everyone knows each other, especially in the most populous city in the country. 

This is a caring community where children develop their own identity and learn to respect each other. 

Being with these beautiful children is what gets me up and out of bed each morning.  

What is your favorite Caedmon memory?

This is a really hard question because it is difficult to find one particular memory that is my favorite after so many years here.  I think some of my favorite memories come out of the years that my daughter, Chloe, was at Caedmon.  I remember when Chloe was 11 months old in our nursery, and there was a musical performance by the Caedmon Chorus. They brought the babies out to the lobby to see the performance. I watched Chloe light up, wiggling and clapping her hands to the music. Chloe was later in the Caedmon Chorus herself, learned piano in Caedmon's music program, and now plays drums. Chloe graduated from Caedmon in 2020, but I will always remember when she was that baby, in awe of the older kids and loving the music.  

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I grew up in Hempstead on Long Island and was a "bridge and tunnel" teenager back in the late '80's. I always knew that I would live in the city some day. I have made my home on the Upper East Side for much of my adult life, with the exception of a house that I owned for 10 years in Woodlawn Heights at the top of the Bronx. If you've never been there, check it out, it is the best Irish enclave in New York City.  I met my husband of 10 years in Dublin in 2004 and we have one daughter, Chloe. We divorced in 2016, but continue to be great friends as we co-parent our soon to be 13-year-old. You may know my partner, Adam Schlessinger, our Science teacher and Camp Director extraordinaire. 

If your Caedmon Story had a title, what would it be?

I would title my Caedmon Story Side by Side, because this is how I feel I work with both my colleagues and with the children in my classroom.  I believe that children learn best when they are guided by teachers and fellow students who are working beside them as equals. I think I learn as much from the children as they learn from me.

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