The Caedmon School

Inside Caedmon: April 29th

Inside Caedmon: April 29th
From the Head's Corner

No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it. ~H.E. Luccock

Dear Caedmon Community,

I often sing the praises of teachers at Caedmon. It is impossible not to do so. But I want you to know that I am not just waving generalizations to make us all feel good. These are incredibly impressive professionals, and working together, they are indeed a fine-tuned orchestra.

  • First of all, they sincerely love children and create a happy place for their students. We know from recent brain research that this is the number one requirement for optimal learning; the feeling of safety and joy releases the brain chemicals needed to provide efficient executive functioning and clarity for strategizing and memorization. 
  • Our teachers are grounded in their craft and also have deep insight into child development. A Montessori teacher has to be proficient in both areas, because as I often say, "you don't teach Kindergarten at Caedmon; you teach THIS year's students our Kindergarten curriculum." This is the only way to actually personalize the learning and to ensure that each individual child thrives, which is the cornerstone of Caedmon's Mission statement. 
  • A Montessori teacher invites a child to discover a learning experience, and then steps back to make careful observations and to provide independence and develop self-agency.
  • Weekly guidance is built into the school's schedule, so that the teachers can share and reflect on their observations with administrators. A team of professionals consider the resources and approaches needed for the progress and success of every child. 
  • The Caedmon faculty is a curious and intelligent group of people. They teach well, but they also are insatiable learners. I am always proud to share that our school culture is one of a professional learning community. Everyone here, including the Head of School, is still "under construction," which is a very good thing in an ever-evolving and unpredictable world.

During the last two years, this nimble ability to learn new things quickly was a life-saver for our children. In March 2020, we suddenly had to move ALL learning online. The summer of 2020 was spent learning effective online platforms and developing medical protocols that allowed for some children to attend school in-person, and others to remain online. Teachers mastered the art (and incredible challenge) of hybrid teaching. Over the past year, our teachers have had to have an online version of their curriculum, ready at the drop of a hat, for the one or two children who found themselves forced to isolate at home, or for an entire class, suddenly quarantined overnight, and the curriculum needed to be delivered en masse online.

Now, with hope and optimism, we want to provide this beloved and devoted group of people the resources to continue their learning, especially as we return to a world where that learning can focus less on necessity and immediacy, and more on passion and personal growth.

With that in mind, when we gather in a few weeks for the Caedmon Benefit, our big ticket Reverse Auction will focus on Funding For Our Teachers: To Learn, Explore and Grow!

Showing gratitude to our dedicated teachers is a given, so what better opportunity than to provide generously the resources needed for Montessori Certification; for cutting-edge training in Equity, Justice, and Belonging work; to pursue a Masters Degree; to bring on campus a leading Math expert to enlighten the K through 5 math faculty; to further our understanding of children's mental health and social and emotional learning? How about providing the funds to attend brain research conferences and Early Childhood symposiums, not to mention creative writing workshops?

I certainly hope you are planning to join us at the upcoming Caedmon Spring Benefit. There is not a hotter ticket in town right now. I also hope that you will lift your bidding paddle high when the auctioneer raises the funds for this important opportunity to say THANK YOU to our wonderful faculty.

I am searching desperately for a mod Austin Powers outfit...

See you the evening of May 20th!


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Inside Caedmon: April 29th