Our Early Program classrooms are mixed-age classrooms that provide an authentic Montessori experience for children two years, 9 months through four years, nine months.
Early Programs Threes (Year 1) (2.9 - 3.8 years) | Early Program Fours (Year 2) (3.9 - 4.9 years) | ||
Start Time | End Time | Start Time | End Time |
8:30am | 11:30am | 8:30am | 3:30pm |
8:30am | 3:30pm | 8:30am | 5:45pm |
8:30am | 5:45pm |
In order to provide individual attention, Early Program classes are small by design with a 7.5:1 student-teacher ratio.
Early Program at Caedmon is a mixed-age class for children ages 2.9 years through 4.9 years on September 1. Students remain in the same classroom for a full two-years with the same teachers. Early Program Threes students benefit from having older classmates as role models, and the following year they are empowered and cement their learning by mentoring their younger classmates. This instills a sense of responsibility for others, as well as for themselves and the classroom.
Montessori materials, which address cognitive and sensory-motor development, are enhanced by play-based activities to encourage the social, creative, and emotional growth of the child. The classroom itself is a prepared environment designed by our Montessori-certified faculty to provide children with activities and hands-on experiences to cultivate curiosity, connections and a life-long love of learning. Everything in the room is carefully curated so children can take charge of their learning and make discoveries on their own. The teacher acts as a facilitator in helping the children utilize their space and materials to learn independently, and students navigate the classroom and their Montessori “works,” with encouragement and guidance.
A foundation is carefully laid for effective and sensitive communication with peers and adults. Children are consistently encouraged to use their words when expressing their needs or feelings. Every effort is made to teach them compassion and empathy, in order to develop their awareness and appreciation of others. The progress of each child is monitored by continuous observation and record keeping on the part of the teachers. They look to see if the child is functioning independently in the classroom, verbally communicating his or her thoughts and actions, and progressing through the different areas of the classroom at his or her own pace.
Combining Montessori methodology with activities in music, movement and mindfulness, physical education, art, science, outdoor play, and dramatic, open-ended play, the curriculum promotes social and emotional growth, as well as cognitive and sensory development. Specialist classes, and guest readers and speakers round out this immersive learning experience.
Tel: +1 212-879-2296
416 E. 80th Street,
New York, NY 10075
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