The Caedmon School

Beginners Program - Preschool for 1.8 - 2.9 Year-Olds

Beginners Program: Preschool for 1.8 - 2.9 Year Olds

A unique facet of a Caedmon education is how we cherish the childhood years. One of the few early childhood programs in New York City to span and celebrate the length of childhood, our Beginners Program ensures a creative and collaborative approach to academic excellence.

Children can attend 3 mornings, 5 mornings, 5 days, or 5 extended days:

Start TimeEnd Time
8:35 a.m.11:35 a.m.
8:35 a.m.3:15 p.m.
8:35 a.m.5:45 p.m.

Beginner student at Caedmon School playing with an educational toy

Fostering Independence and Creativity From a Young Age

This preschool class is specifically designed to foster confidence, competence, and independence in first-time school children. Due to the small student-teacher ratio (4:1), teachers are able to provide all the special attention the children of this age need to achieve the goals of the class, and prepare for their subsequent move to the Early Program.

The emphasis of the program is on social interaction. Predictable routines, an orderly arrangement of materials, and meticulously planned activities gently teach the children to operate within the more complex parameters of a school environment, thus making every experience a successful one for the child. “Following the rules,” “putting your work away,” and “taking turns” are seeds that grow into an awareness and consideration of others. Gradually, the children they are playing next to become a part of their play and they discover that sharing can be fun. Children also participate in specialist classes, which include Music, Movement and Mindfulness, and Courtyard.

Our Parents Say...

“We can see our child developing inner resourcefulness and the ability to persist at challenging tasks. We see him growing in confidence by the day. Thank you, Caedmon faculty and staff for providing a cocoon of warmth and academic excellence!”

Our Parents Say...

“We are so thrilled with our experience at Caedmon! Caedmon’s values are aligned with ours: our toddler has learned to make thoughtful choices about what he wants to learn, has developed a robust vocabulary for expressing his feelings and wishes, and has learned to ask his friends for consent before initiating hugs.”

Beginners students at The Caedmon School learning through play

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Early Program
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New York, NY 10075
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New York, NY 10075


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416 E. 80th Street,
New York, NY 10075
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